
Engage Employees to Retain Them

Talent Development is the foundation to any successful organization. When you value your employees and show th

As long as the engine rotates, my passion and #BornToEngineer journey will be alive – Rohit Kumar

Ever since I was a boy, I used to sit and watch birds fly outside my window. One day, a documentary was playin

We are all Equals and Born to Engineer! – Sharnee Kaul

I was probably around 7 or 8 years old when I first saw my father’s aeronautical engineering textbooks;

The Embedded System Paradigm For Digital Transformation

To say that digital transformation is more an imperative today than a “good to have” is a no brainer. However,

Federated Learning for Data Security And Privacy in AI

Overview The article talks about the concept of federated learning and how it can help address the issues of d

Engineering the Post Covid World

We are living in unprecedented times and the world around us is undergoing a churn like never before. The ongo

Technology Enabling Celebrations this Festive Season in India

The festive season is here! The year has been challenging for everyone and no better time than now to connect

Positioning of Engineering and Manufacturing Suppliers in the 4th Industrial Revolution

Manufacturing is the process of converting raw materials, components, or parts into finished goods that meet a

International Women in Engineering Day

Celebrating the Brave Women Engineers Who #ShapeTheWorld World War I saw a role reversal for the first time in

Reimagine, Adapt and Reinvent: Digital Healthcare for the Post-COVID World

COVID-19 has presented a humanitarian crisis like no other, with more than seven million infected by the virus