Ajit Prabhu (アジット・プラブ) 会長兼CEO
Company nameQUEST@GLOBAL SERVICES PTE. LTD.Established1997RepresentativeChairman and CEO, Ajit PrabhuCapitalApproximately US$ @@249 millionNumber of employeesApproximately 17,000 (global) Business details1 . Providing engineering services (including design of aircraft engines and power generation equipment) @2 . @@Staffing business (Staffing business/license number: 13-311657) 3. All business related to the aboveBranch address15F Mita International Building, 1-4-28 Mita, Minato-ku, TokyoTelephone number03-6275-1220 FAX 03-6335-4553 Test@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
クエスト・グローバル・ シャパン株式会社
1. 電子部品、半導体及びそれらを含めたコンピュータ及びその周辺機器並びに通信機器・その周辺機器及びソフトウェアの開発
2. 上記に関する各種技術の応用、研究、指導並びにコンサルタント業
3. ソフトの 著 作 権 並びにハードの 特許権 のリース業
4. 労働者派道事業 (派遣業/許可番号: 派13-302034)
東京都港区三田一丁目4番28号 三田国際ビル15F
・会社案内 (PDF)
クエスト・グローバル(Quest Global)は、幅広いエンジニアリングの世界でその能力を発揮するエンジニアリング会社です。より明るい未来の構築を実現するため、抱えている問題に対する課題の提起から課題の解決に至るまで一貫したサービスを提供しています。私たちは、エンジニアリングには、今日の問題を解決し多くのビジネスに貢献できる機会があると信じています。創立から25 年以上にわたり、世界で最も困難なエンジニアリングの課題に対して一番信頼できるパートナーになれるよう研鑽を重ねています。 私たちは、シンガポールに本社を置くグローバル組織として、世界中18か国に拠点を置き、77か所のグローバル・デリバリー・センターを持ち、20,000 名以上の多様性に富んだ優秀な従業員によって運営されています。
QuEST Global is an engineering firm with capabilities across the broad engineering landscape, providing problem-solving services to build a brighter future.
創立から25 年以上にわたり、卓越したエンジニアリングを中核としたビジネスを構築し、業界の最も困難な課題の解決に努めてきました。
Ajit Prabhu (アジット・プラブ) 会長兼CEO
Aspiration is a strong desire and ambition for what you want to achieve. At QuEST Global, our drive to see the bigger picture and build a better future for all drives our actions every day. We are driven by the idea of contributing to our customers, employees, shareholders and communities and making a difference for everyone. We strive to make the impossible possible by thinking differently and innovating relentlessly.
Humiliation is the necessary principle for organizational growth. If we are not careful, success can breed arrogance, which is the biggest obstacle to sustainable growth. It highlights the importance of not being afraid of failure, but accepting it positively, building an open and transparent environment, and learning and growing from it. At QuEST Global, we believe that humility is essential and is the quality most needed in difficult times.
We treat our clients' businesses as our own, and actively develop business from the client's perspective. We proactively propose various ideas to help our clients achieve their goals, invest in making those ideas a reality, and make what was previously thought to be impossible possible.
We invest heavily in building long-term, trust-based support relationships with our customers, and we believe it is important that we continue to build trust with them whether they choose us or not.
We are committed to doing the right thing, both as a company and as individuals, for our employees, our customers and the communities in which we operate. We want to be more than just a company, and we are determined to be strong and never stop moving forward to do the right thing. This determination shapes our entire corporate culture. Our drive to recognize mistakes, find their causes, deepen our understanding and apply them to the next time leads to growth and better results.
We are a global organisation and without strong teamwork, things don't work. Our teams work closely together to tackle key issues that affect the continuity, sustainability and future of our business - all for the ultimate benefit of our customers. We encourage a culture of collaboration not only within our organisation but also externally with our customers, partners and stakeholders.
Ethical compliance is an essential component of any successful business. Making responsible decisions with integrity, fairness and respect for others is essential to our sustainability, resilience and continued growth. Acting ethically is part of who we are and what matters to our company, our customers and our communities.
QuEST Global's corporate culture is based on six pillars: "Openness and Transparency", "People-oriented", "Innovation", "Continuous Learning", "Agility" and "Think Big, Start Small". These six pillars are supported by top leaders in each department.
We look forward to hearing from you.