
Moving towards Model Based Enterprise

Moving towards Model Based Enterprise Today, even as organizations strive to improve operational efficiency by

Master data Management 101 getting Started with data

Well, the running joke in analytics is that if you torture data long enough, it will confess to anything &#821

Zero defects – the new norm!

“Manufacturing defects are a huge issue for the industry. In some cases, 50% of production can end up as scrap

Product Engineering: those Extra Miles to Consumer Safety

It’s over, folks. Samsung Galaxy Note 7, the marquee product designed to beat rival Apple’s iPhone 7 has been

Leveraging Local-Global Delivery Model to Optimize Value

According to a survey conducted by KPMG, 41 percent of the 76 Aerospace and Defense (A&D) senior executive

Strategic Outsourcing for Greater Benefits

Since 2011, the US military budget has been shrinking. At the same time, the Aerospace and Defense (A&D) s



On the Offensive with Defense Manufacturing

The ‘Make in India’ policy of the government has created a lot of buzz and it promises to boost different sect

Android, the next Frontier in Medical Device Development

In November 2007, Google first released Android as an operating system (OS), targeted primarily at smart phone

Evolution of Medical Device Software development – Experience of an Engineering Service Partner

Last decade witnessed a phenomenal growth in the medical device industry with an average annual growth of 5%.